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  • Hayley Westenra-Amazing Grace[DSF DSD]

    Amazing Grace (奇异恩典) - Hayley Westenra (海莉·薇思特拉)

    Amazing Grace how sweet the sound

    That saved a wretch like me

    I once was lost but now am found

    Was blind but now I see

    T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear

    And Grace my fears relieved

    How precious did that grace appear

    The hour I first believed

    Through many dangers toils and snares

    We have already come

    T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far

    And Grace will lead us home

    When we've been here a thousand years

    Bright shining as the sun

    We've no less days to sing God's praise

    Than when we've first begun

    Than when we've first begun

    2019-12-26 12:00:59 DSD音乐下载热度 3 ℃
  • Hayley Westenra-Never Say Goodbye [FLAC格式]

    Hayley Westenra-Never Say Goodbye [FLAC格式]


    《Never Say Goodbye》歌词:
    If I could take this moment forever 如果我能将此刻永久沉淀
    Turn the pages of my mind 翻开我记忆的书页
    To another place and time 到达另一个时空与地点
    We would never say goodbye 我们永远不要说再见
    If I could find the words I would speak them 如果我知道该说什么 我一定会再说一遍
    Then I wouldn’t be tongue-tied 那样 当我看着你的双眼
    When I looked into your eyes 就不会哑口无言
    We would never say goodbye 我们永远不要说再见
    If I could stop the moon ever rising 如果我能让月亮消失不见
    Day would not become the night 黑夜将永远不会占据白天
    Wouldn’t feel this cold inside 寒冷便不会住在心里面
    And we’d never say goodbye 我们永远不要说再见
    I wish that our dreams were frozen 但愿我们的梦想能够冻结
    Then our hearts would not be broken 那样 在我们放开彼此之前
    When we let each other go...我们的心便不会破裂
    If I could steal this moment forever 如果我能偷偷将此刻定格为瞬间
    Paint a picture-perfect smile 画一张如画的笑靥
    So our story stayed alive 那样 我们的故事便会永远艳鲜
    We would never say goodbye 我们永远不会说再见

    2019-04-01 20:10:13 欧美音乐下载热度 102 ℃
  • Hayley Westenra的《Never Say Goodbye》[FLAC格式]

    Hayley Westenra出生于新西兰基督城的一个歌唱世家.5岁那年,在New Zealand主修艺术,轻音乐古典乐民谣乡村乐爵士乐.天籁版的美妙歌声,更是得到了歌剧首席女主角的赞赏和指导。天赋清亮无瑕的绝美嗓音,以及纯净无 压的自然唱腔,让她小小年纪,即以奇迹般的天使之音,从南半球的冠军歌手,一跃成为国际歌坛最受瞩目的闪亮新星!一开始因为好奇 好玩自行压制 CD ,到街头卖艺、赠送亲友,却令乡亲父老惊为天人、口耳相传音乐论坛,最新专辑,最新单曲,排行榜,音乐MTV,天使之音透过媒体逐渐传播开来,全新西兰男 女老幼无不为其歌声倾倒!于纽音乐论坛,最新专辑,最新单曲,排行榜,音乐MTV音乐论坛,最新专辑,最新单曲,排行榜,音乐MTV西兰发行的首张专辑, 不但蝉联 4 周冠军,打败数字流行乐坛前辈,还轻松拿下销售三白金,新西兰歌坛新小天后之名不胫而走。后由国际唱片大厂DECCA 信心 音乐论坛,最新专辑,最新单曲,排行榜,音乐MTV向全球推荐,人如其名、歌如其人的首张全球录音—《PURE》因此诞生,纯净—新西兰的骄傲,现在全世 界都听得见! 《Pure》推出时Hayley只有15岁,平静、天使般纯净的嗓音充满自然美,吸引了全球乐迷,赢得众多赞赏和奖项。《Pure》售出超过200万张, 成为新西兰有史以|来销量最高的专辑。

    《PURE》专辑中,Hayle结合了人与自然共存之美,演唱极具特色的新西兰传统部落毛利 (Maori) 歌谣《波卡列卡列安那》( Pokarekare Ana ),Hayle的歌声无懈可击,动人的诠释更是无可取代。古典名曲注入时代新意后的《别说再见》( Never Say Goodbye )柔软人心,还有爱情小品主打歌《黑月亮》( Who Painted The Moon Black ),犹如空谷天籁,曲曲将Hayley升华,只消几个音符,听者无不立时被纯净美声彻底征服.


    自2003年推出让人 爱不释手的专辑《Pure》之后,新西兰天才歌手 Hayley Westenra 的全新专辑《Odyssey 长途飘泊》终于2005年8月24日起全球发行!近两三年的世界巡回演出,Hayley获得与众多顶尖音乐家合作的机会,经历了悉尼歌剧院、皇家艾伯特会 堂、卡内基音乐厅等一流的音乐会演出。现在,18岁的Hayley要向我们展示她在成长中取得的进步,无论是作为一个艺术家还是一个普通人。


    "Never say goodbye"这首歌属于crossover(跨界音乐)这类别,可以说是POP与classic之间的,或是混合流派。

        If I could take this moment forever
    Turn the pages of my mind
    To another place and time
    We would never say goodbye
    If I could find the words I would speak them
    Then I wouldn't be tongue tied
    Will I look them to your eyes
    We would never say goodbye
    If I could stop the moon ever arising
    Day would not become the night
    Would't feel this cold inside
    And we'd never say goodbye
    I wish that our dreams were frozen
    Then our hearts would not be broken
    When we let each other go
    If I could steal this moment forever
    Paint a picture perfect smile
    So our story stayed alive
    We would never say goodbye

    2018-09-28 09:25:03 欧美音乐下载热度 80 ℃
  • Hayley Westenra - Never Say Goodbye.flac


    作词:Maurice Ravel
    作曲:Maurice Ravel
    If i could take this moment forever
    Turn the pages of my mind
    To another place and time
    We would never say goodbye
    If i could find the words i would speak them
    Then i wouldn't be tongue tied
    Will i look them to your eyes
    We would never say goodbye
    If i could stop the moon ever arising
    Day would not become the night
    Would't feel this cold inside
    And we'd never say goodbye
    I wish that our dreams were frozen
    Then our hearts would not be broken
    When we let each other go
    If i could steal this moment forever
    Paint a picture perfect smile
    So our story stayed alive
    We would never say goodbye

    2017-07-31 15:58:32 稀有无损音乐下载热度 41 ℃
  • Hayley Westenra - Never Say Goodbye.flac


    作词:Maurice Ravel
    作曲:Maurice Ravel
    If i could take this moment forever
    Turn the pages of my mind
    To another place and time
    We would never say goodbye
    If i could find the words i would speak them
    Then i wouldn't be tongue tied
    Will i look them to your eyes
    We would never say goodbye
    If i could stop the moon ever arising
    Day would not become the night
    Would't feel this cold inside
    And we'd never say goodbye
    I wish that our dreams were frozen
    Then our hearts would not be broken
    When we let each other go
    If i could steal this moment forever
    Paint a picture perfect smile
    So our story stayed alive
    We would never say goodbye

    2017-07-31 15:58:32 欧美音乐下载热度 23 ℃